Since the beginnings of the Association in 1984, ICAEA has organised more than 30 conferences, forums and interactive workshops around the world. Event themes have helped to set the agenda for the development and adoption of standards, and the sharing of best practices in Aviation English assessment and training. Speakers and delegates have included industry representatives, linguistics experts and practitioners in the field, all invested in communication as factor in aviation safety, service and industry efficiency.
Argentina | Czech Republic | Japan | Mexico | Türkiye |
Brazil | Finland | Latvia | Poland | UK |
China | France | Luxembourg | Portugal | USA |
Croatia | Georgia | Malaysia | Thailand |
The International Civil Aviation English Association (ICAEA) existed from 1984 to 1991 as the Aviation English Teachers Forum (AETF), and from 1991 to 1997 as the International Aviation English Association (IAEA).
Since the beginnings of the Association in 1984, we have organised 30 forums and interactive workshops around the world.
Event themes have reflected current concerns and helped to set the agenda for the development of Aviation English testing and training standards and practices during this time.
Speakers and delegates have included industry and linguistic experts invested in the maintenance and harmonisation of communication competencies and standards.
Argentina | France | Poland |
Brazil | Georgia | Portugal |
China | Japan | Thailand |
Croatia | Latvia | Türkiye |
Czech Republic | Luxembourg | UK |
Finland | Malaysia | USA |
Mexico |
The International Civil Aviation English Association (ICAEA) existed from 1984 to 1991 as the Aviation English Teachers Forum (AETF), and from 1991 to 1997 as the International Aviation English Association (IAEA).
Back to the future for Aviation English training: Current best practices and emerging technologies
ICAEA Conference
Mexico City, Mexico – 6-8 October, 2025
MORE Mexico City Conference
Research and developments in aviation communications: Practical applications in training and assessment
ICAEA Conference
Hong Kong, PR China – 16-18 May, 2024
MORE Hong Kong Conference
Current trends and future perspectives in Aviation English training: Developing training for today and tomorrow
ICAEA Conference
Istanbul, Türkiye – 18-20 September, 2023
MORE Istanbul Conference
Modes of Aviation English Training: Developments in online training and changes in perspectives
ICAEA Virtual Workshop
30 September – 1 October, 2022
MORE Virtual Workshop 2022
Aviation English and Communications Training for a Post Covid-19 Era
ICAEA Virtual Workshop
2-5 December, 2021
MORE Virtual Workshop 2021
2020 – present
ICAEA Webinar Series
Webinar 12: From placement to achievement: An airline perspective on language assessment
Webinar 11: Exploring current delivery models for Aviation English training
Webinar 10: The role of standard phraseology in radiotelephony communication
Webinar 9: Aviation and English: Catching Up
Webinar 8: The effectiveness of ATC-pilot radio communication around the world
Webinar 7: Factors affecting real-world pilot and ATC communication -2-
Webinar 6: Factors affecting real-world pilot and ATC communication -1-
Webinar 5: Using real aviation communications to create tasks for training and testing
Webinar 4: Experiences in virtual Aviation English teaching – Insights from Argentina
Webinar 3: Re-routing Aviation English – Challenges and solutions
Webinar 2: Re-routing Aviation English – Strategies for teaching online
Webinar 1: Teaching Aviation English Online – Sharing ideas, experiences and achievements
MORE Webinar Series
Using the ICAO LPR Test Design Guidelines
ICAEA Workshops
Luxembourg – 9-11 October, 2019
Tbilisi, Georgia – 14-16 October, 2019
Bangkok, Thailand – 28-30 October, 2019
Buenos Aires, Argentina – 20-22 November, 2019
MORE ICAO LPR TDGs & Workshops
Exploring the Aviation English training needs of:
• Ab-initio Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers, and,
• Aircraft Maintenance Personnel.
ICAEA Conference
Tokyo, Japan – 8-10 May, 2019
MORE Tokyo Conference
Building on the ICAO LPRs – Communication as a Human Factor
ICAEA Conference
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, USA – 9-11 May, 2018
MORE ERAU Conference
The ICAO LPRs – 10 years on: Progress or Pain?
ICAEA Workshop
Dubrovnik, Croatia – 24th & 25th April, 2017
MORE Dubrovnik Workshop
Aviation English Training for Operational Personnel
ICAEA Workshop
Santa Maria Island, The Azores – 29th & 30th April, 2016
MORE Azores Workshop
Skills and Competencies needed in Aviation Communications
ICAEA Workshop
Buenos Aires, Argentina – 20th & 21st November, 2014
MORE Buenos Aires Workshop
Onboard Communications: A key to safety and service quality
ICAEA 16th Forum
Istanbul, Türkiye – 3rd & 4th October, 2013
Cross Cultural Awareness and Aviation English Training
ICAEA 15th Forum
Paris, France – 18th & 19th April, 2013
Read the report: Paris 2013
Maintaining ICAO Compliance: Links between training and testing
ICAEA 14th Forum
Bangkok, Thailand – 29th & 30th November, 2012
Read the report: Bangkok 2012
Training and Testing: The same aim?
ICAEA 13th Forum
Brasilia, Brazil – 12th & 13th November, 2012
Read the report: Brasilia 2012
Future Developments in Aviation English Training and Testing
ICAEA 12th Forum
Buenos Aires, Argentina – 29th & 30th September, 2011
Read the report: Buenos Aries 2011
Rating for ICAO Language Proficiency Standards
ICAEA 11th Forum
Toulouse, France – 6th & 7th September, 2011
Read the report: Toulouse 2011
Beyond 2011
ICAEA 10th Forum
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 23rd & 24th November, 2010
Read the report: (not available)
Testing for ICAO LPR Compliance: Best practices in proficiency assessment
ICAEA 9th Forum
Warsaw, Poland – 8th & 9th May, 2008
Read the report: Warsaw 2008
Aviation English Training: Choices and solutions
ICAEA 8th Forum
Cambridge, UK – 31st August & 1st September, 2007
Read the report: (not available)
Teaching and Learning Aviation English
ICAEA 7th Forum
Besançon, France – 1st & 2nd September, 2005
Read the report: Besancon 2005
Testing Aviation English Language Skills and Competencies of Controllers and Pilots
ICAEA Workshop
4th & 5th September, 2003
Read the report: Luxembourg 2003
PRICE-SG’s conclusions and the effects for the ICAO Proficiency Requirements
ICAEA Workshop
Warsaw, Poland – 26th & 27th September, 2002
Read the report: Warsaw 2002
New Technology: Better Aviation English communications and training?
ICAEA 6th Forum
Paris, France – 24th & 25th April, 1997
Read the report: Paris 1997
Initial Training in English for Radiotelephony
IAEA Workshop
Riga, Estonia – 13 September, 1996
Read the report: Riga 1996
Recurrent Training in English for Radiotelephony
IAEA Workshop
Luxembourg – May 1996
Read the report: Luxembourg 1996
Crew Resource Management (CRM)
IAEA Workshop
Toulouse, France – February 1995
Read the report: Toulouse 1995
People, Flying Machines and English
IAEA 5th Forum
Paris, France – March 1994
Read the report: Paris 1994
Lexicography and Teaching Aviation English Terminology
IAEA Workshop
Warsaw, Poland – September 1994
Read the report: Warsaw 1994
English Requirements for Technical Training
IAEA Workshop
Prague, Czech Republic – May 1993
Read the report: Prague 1993