We are saddened to hear of the recent passing of Adrian Enright, former General Secretary of ICAEA. Adrian’s impactful career certainly made a huge difference in aviation safety, helping to carve a path for the field of Aviation English.
After training as an air traffic controller in the UK, Adrian joined EUROCONTROL at the Maastricht center. As an ATM instructor with EUROCONTROL in Luxembourg, he went on to develop the PELA test in aviation English language proficiency designed specifically for trainee controllers. In 2000, he joined ICAO’s PRICE SG which led to the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements (LPRs). Adrian was also Project Leader in the development of the ELPAC test for air traffic controllers, which continues to flourish today.
As a long-time member of the Board, Adrian always showed steadfast support for ICAEA, sharing many happy and meaningful moments with our community. We are grateful to him for laying the foundation for large parts of the LPR system, and for preparing his successors for the challenges ahead. We will always celebrate Adrian’s influence on our field, and are deeply grateful to have his lasting imprint on ICAEA and aviation safety.